When to Start Taking Collagen Supplements

When to Start Taking Collagen Supplements

You may know the benefits of collagen for healthy joints, skin, gut health, and more, but are wondering when to start taking collagen supplements. 

Natural collagen production reaches its peak in your mid-20s, so some prefer to start taking collagen at this time before natural levels dip too low.

However, several factors can influence collagen production and people may choose to start taking it sooner or later in life.

When to start taking collagen supplements is a great question to consider to support the body's need for this important protein. There are ways to know if you are experiencing a collagen decline.

Let's explore the "why" behind supplementing with collagen and when is the best time to start taking it to support production and reduce the effects of aging.

We will also look at lifestyle habits that can boost collagen naturally.

Table Of Contents:

Understanding Collagen and Its Role in Aging

We all know aging is a part of life, but wouldn't it be great if we could find a way to keep our youth a bit longer? Enter collagen — the body's most abundant protein.

Picture your skin as an elastic band - full of stretch when it's new but losing its bounce over time. That's what happens when collagen levels drop. Wrinkles appear uninvited and sagging skin becomes the unwelcome guest at your life party.

Not to mention joint cartilage and function declines after production peaks in our mid-20s leading to aches and pains that can be felt even more in later years.

These reasons and many more are why so many people are asking when to start taking collagen supplements.

What is Collagen?

Think of collagen as the compound that keeps your skin smooth and lubricates your joints. It helps provide strength and structure to a lot of systems in the body.

Nearly 28 different types of collagen can be found in the body, but the most common forms are Type I, Type II, and Type III collagen. 

Type I is a densely packed fiber that provides structure for skin, bones, teeth, ligaments, and more.

Type II collagen is a key component of cartilage, bones, and other tissues. It supports healthy joints, skin, and gut health.

Type III collagen is mainly found in the skin, muscles, and blood vessels. 

Collagen and Aging

Sadly, levels of naturally produced collagen slow down with age starting in your mid-20s — so young! You may start noticing wrinkles forming around your eyes, stiffness in your joints, or more muscle aches as signs of declining collagen levels.

This doesn't mean your body is doomed. Sure we can’t completely stop this natural aging process but don't fret because certain lifestyle changes can help maintain better collagen health.

The Efficacy of Collagen Supplements

While no pill or powder will make deep wrinkles or joint discomfort disappear overnight, collagen can help slow the signs of aging — especially when used as a preventive measure.

Today, you can find many different collagen products on the market. From collagen drinks, bone broth, protein bars, and supplements, the options seem endless.

However, certain forms of collagen absorb better than others to more fully support structure for healthy skin care and joints. Collagen, including hydrolyzed collagen type II, contain hyaluronic acid — an important component of healthy skin, joints, and connective tissues. 

Maintaining healthy collagen status in the body can do wonders for support later in life.

Preventive Approach

Clinical studies have shown that regular intake can delay the onset of wrinkles and fine lines. Specifically hydrolyzed collagen, a form found in supplements, has also been shown to ease annoying joint discomfort and lessen chronic joint pain symptoms.

But wait, there's more! Collagen peptides have been shown to support healthy bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Plus, collagen can help reduce the onset of muscle loss that also comes with age.

What's not to love about collagen?!

Key Takeaway: Supplementing with collagen can be a great addition to your anti-aging routine. To avoid collagen deficiency when you are older, collagen-boosting foods and supplements can even be taken in your late 20s to support the building blocks your body needs for healthy aging.

Lifestyle Tips for Better Collagen Health

What lifestyle tips can you change to support collagen? Two key changes you may want to look into are protecting your skin and the foods you choose to eat.

Diet and Collagen Health

Your diet also plays a crucial role in supporting healthy collagen levels – especially when it comes to sugar intake.

We all love sweets but eating less sugary foods may be one secret ingredient to healthier collagen. Excessive sugar consumption contributes to advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) that wreak havoc on our precious proteins including collagen.

Moderating those late-night ice cream cravings could result in healthier-looking skin—and maybe even feeling fabulous in those skinny jeans again. 

Remember moderation is key. We don’t need perfect diets just balanced ones.

Which foods should you eat? For starters, bone broth and vitamin C-rich foods can be great sources of nutrition to support your body's natural collagen production. 

Want to amp up your skincare routine? Think collagen. To protect it, curb those sugar cravings. To boost it, consider taking hydrolyzed collagen, including Collagen Type II. Your skin and joints will thank you. #SkinCareTips #CollagenHealth Click to Tweet

The Importance of Sunscreen

Sunscreen isn't just for beach days. It is there to guard your skin from harmful UV rays every day.

Why does this matter? Well, too much sun exposure can damage collagen fibers in your skin. This happens due to a pesky little process called photodamage, which essentially sucks out collagen from your skin.

Like an apple left in the sun, our skin can shrivel and wrinkles start with excessive sun exposure — leading to wrinkles and reduced skin elasticity over time. 

This degradation is no small matter as studies have shown too much sun exposure leads to 80% of visible aging signs.

By applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, you are helping to preserve collagen health in your skin. Plus, who doesn’t want a good reason to avoid awkward tan lines?

Key Takeaway: Excessive sun exposure speeds up collagen loss, leading to sagging skin and wrinkles. This 'photodamage' is responsible for 80% of visible aging signs. Simple habits like applying sunscreen daily can make a big difference. 

Personal Factors Influencing Collagen Needs

Factors like age, lifestyle habits, and skincare routine all play a role in natural collagen levels and can influence when to start taking collagen supplements.

After the ripe old age of 25, signs of aging, including wrinkles, brittle hair and nails, achy joints, and stiff muscles, can all indicate you should consider taking collagen.

Lifestyle habits also affect how much collagen we need. Do you smoke? Drink alcohol regularly? Both can damage skin cells and deplete natural stores of collagen. Even too much caffeine and stress can take its toll on our precious supply.

Tailoring Your Supplement Regimen

If these factors make it seem like maintaining optimal levels is an uphill battle – don’t worry. Supplements can help boost production.

When to start taking collagen supplements is as individual as you. It depends on your daily activities, nutrition, and lifestyle habits.

Some people start supplementing with collagen in their mid-20s to get ahead of the natural decline. 

Others may not think about it until they hit 40 or 50 — when they notice a difference in their skin quality and achy joints. 

When should you start taking collagen? Factors like age, lifestyle habits, and skincare practices can influence your needs. Are you a sun worshiper or stress holder? Time to consider collagen to support the building blocks your body needs. #CollagenSupplements #BoostCollagen Click to Tweet

The Bottom Line on Collagen Supplementation and Aging

Collagen: A Preventive Approach is Key

Taking a closer look at collagen products, it’s clear that strength lies in prevention. By starting early with collagen, you can delay the appearance of aging signs. 

This isn't meant to leave you dreading getting older, but rather a call for setting realistic expectations. In essence, consider collagen an ally in your anti-aging journey.

Lifestyle Habits Matter

Your lifestyle choices play just as vital a role in maintaining healthy levels. Two simple, impactful habits stand out:

Mindful sun exposure: Vitamin D is important but so is protecting your skin from too many harmful UV rays. Sun damage contributes significantly to premature aging by breaking down natural collagen.

Sugar reduction: Lowering sugar intake has multiple health benefits, including better overall skin health due to less inflammation.

Key Takeaway: Adding collagen to your routine can help delay signs of aging, while healthy sun exposure, and lowering your sugar intake also influence healthy collagen production. These small tweaks can lead to significant benefits.

FAQs: When to Start Taking Collagen Supplements

At what age should you start taking collagen?

It's best to begin a collagen supplement routine in your mid-20s when natural production starts declining.

Should you take collagen in your 30s?

Absolutely. Your body's ability to produce collagen lessens as you hit the big three-zero, making this a good age for supplementation.

When should I take collagen?

The optimal time for a daily dose of these powerhouses is before breakfast or bedtime—when your stomach is empty.

Can I take collagen in my 20s?

You can. Even though aging signs aren't typically noticeable yet, starting early could help delay them down the line.


When to start taking collagen supplements is different for everyone. You know you best. It depends on your lifestyle habits and signs you may be experiencing a deficiency. 

We now know that collagen production starts to decline in our mid-20s so getting a head start is never a bad idea. Your body will thank you years later.

Achy joints, wrinkly skin, and brittle nails are all indications that you may want to consider taking collagen. However, you can start taking these supplements even before these signs occur.

Don't forget that your lifestyle also plays a role in healthy collagen. Lessen sun damage and reduce sugar intake to have an edge on maintaining healthy collagen and connective tissues.

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